On behalf of our entire staff, I thank you for visiting the Oakview Primary website, home of the youngest New Boston Lions. The primary school years are a particularly exciting time for students. As an educational team, we at Oakview Primary are dedicated to academic excellence and holding high expectations to ensure that each and every student will be successful learners. We are committed to creating a safe and positive learning environment where staff and students promote and model responsible, respectful behavior in order to provide each student the best learning opportunity.
Our school community strives to instill in each child the excitement that comes with learning, where the bar is set high and academics are aligned to the state standards. Our teachers and staff are highly qualified and committed to serving all aspects of each student, academically, emotionally and physically.
Our Oakview Family is dedicated to getting to know and meet the needs of each and every student and we value your participation and input. Your ideas, suggestions and involvement in our school help to make it a better place for our students. Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, comments, or concerns at 903-628-8900.

Patty Green